Density and public transportation

Sufficient population and job density are important for a public transportation system. Therefore plotting densities and public transportation systems on the same map can reveal opportuntities to build more public transportation lines (where density is high, but there are no existing lines) and to build more housing/jobs (where public transportation lines exist, but densities are low).

Let’s create a map of population density. In the United States, we can get this geo-tagged population data from the United States Census Bureau. dpd.modeling has a class Zones to store this data and a method to automatically pull this data from the United States Census Bureau.

First, we’ll define the state that we are interested in mapping. States seems to be the best level to get data for. If we get data by county, there are lots of requests so it takes too long. However, data for the whole country is unnecessary.

import us
from ipywidgets import Select
from IPython.display import display

YEAR = "2017"

state = Select(
    options=list(map(lambda x:, us.STATES)),

Now we can get the census data for California. The government assigns a number to each state so California is 06. B01003_001E is the population in each census tract. This is renamed to Total Population. Also, ALAND is the land area of the zone. We use these two values to compute a density as population per area. Also, we simplify the geometry column to speed up any geometric computations.

from dpd.modeling import Zones

zones = Zones.from_uscensus(str(us.states.lookup(state.value).fips), YEAR)

zones["geometry"] = zones["geometry"].apply(lambda x: x.simplify(0.001))

/home/docs/checkouts/ FutureWarning: Downcasting object dtype arrays on .fillna, .ffill, .bfill is deprecated and will change in a future version. Call result.infer_objects(copy=False) instead. To opt-in to the future behavior, set `pd.set_option('future.no_silent_downcasting', True)`
  zones["Worker Population"] = zones["Worker Population"].fillna(0).apply(int)
Name Total Population Worker Population state county tract STATEFP COUNTYFP TRACTCE NAME_y ... FUNCSTAT ALAND AWATER INTPTLAT INTPTLON geometry Total Population + Worker Population Total Population Density Worker Population Density Total Population + Worker Population Density
6037503502 Census Tract 5035.02, Los Angeles County, Cali... 4359 0 06 037 503502 06 037 503502 5035.02 ... S 1244436 0 +33.9320286 -118.0031960 POLYGON ((-118.01180 33.92688, -118.01169 33.9... 4359 0.003503 0.0 0.003503

1 rows × 22 columns

Here we can plot the population density of California.

    column="Total Population + Worker Population Density", scheme="JenksCaspall", k=20
Make this Notebook Trusted to load map: File -> Trust Notebook

For the rest of the notebook, we will focus on Los Angeles County. We can query OpenStreetMap for the geometric data that represents Los Angeles County and then combine it with our Zones to reduce the amount of data to process

from shapely.geometry import Polygon
from shapely.ops import linemerge

from dpd.osm import OSM

relation = 396479  # Los Angeles County
osm = OSM()
ways = [
    for member in osm.relations[relation]["members"]
    if member["type"] == "way"

ways_merged = linemerge(ways)
longest_length = 0
for way in ways_merged.geoms:
    if way.length > longest_length:
        longest_length = way.length
        longest_way = way
los_angeles_county = Polygon(longest_way)

False    5770
True     2287
Name: count, dtype: int64
zones = zones[zones.geometry.within(los_angeles_county)]

Now we can use h3fy to recompute our population density into hexigons. This normalizes the geometries so they can be used for calculations later on.

from tobler.util import h3fy
from tobler.area_weighted import area_interpolate

zones.to_crs(epsg=4087, inplace=True)
h3_zones = h3fy(zones, buffer=True)

interpolated = area_interpolate(
    intensive_variables=["Total Population", "Worker Population", "ALAND"],
zones_interpolated = Zones(interpolated)
zones_interpolated["Total Population Density"] = (
    zones_interpolated["Total Population"] / zones_interpolated["ALAND"]
zones_interpolated["Worker Population Density"] = (
    zones_interpolated["Worker Population"] / zones_interpolated["ALAND"]
zones_interpolated["Total Population + Worker Population"] = (
    zones_interpolated["Total Population"] + zones_interpolated["Worker Population"]
zones_interpolated["Total Population + Worker Population Density"] = (
    zones_interpolated["Total Population + Worker Population"]
    / zones_interpolated["ALAND"]
/home/docs/checkouts/ UserWarning: You will likely lose important projection information when converting to a PROJ string from another format. See:
  proj = self._crs.to_proj4(version=version)
Total Population Worker Population ALAND geometry Total Population Density Worker Population Density Total Population + Worker Population Total Population + Worker Population Density
8629a1227ffffff 5610.0 0.0 615828928.0 POLYGON ((-13225816.667 3864719.878, -13222265... 0.000009 0.0 5610.0 0.000009

And we can plot the hexigons.

    column="Total Population + Worker Population Density", scheme="JenksCaspall", k=20
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These hexigons are pretty big. Let’s recompute them to be smaller and plot with lonboard. Lonboard is great for plotting lots of data quickly.

import numpy
from lonboard import Map, SolidPolygonLayer
from mapclassify import JenksCaspall
from palettable.matplotlib import Viridis_20

h3_zones = h3fy(zones, resolution=8, buffer=True)

interpolated = area_interpolate(
    intensive_variables=["Total Population", "Worker Population", "ALAND"],
zones_interpolated = Zones(interpolated)
zones_interpolated["Total Population Density"] = (
    zones_interpolated["Total Population"] / zones_interpolated["ALAND"]
zones_interpolated["Worker Population Density"] = (
    zones_interpolated["Worker Population"] / zones_interpolated["ALAND"]
zones_interpolated["Total Population + Worker Population"] = (
    zones_interpolated["Total Population"] + zones_interpolated["Worker Population"]
zones_interpolated["Total Population + Worker Population Density"] = (
    zones_interpolated["Total Population + Worker Population"]
    / zones_interpolated["ALAND"]

layer = SolidPolygonLayer.from_geopandas(zones_interpolated, opacity=0.1)
jc = JenksCaspall(
    zones_interpolated["Total Population + Worker Population Density"].fillna(0), k=10
colors = []
for color in jc.yb:
layer.get_fill_color = numpy.uint8(colors)

/home/docs/checkouts/ UserWarning: You will likely lose important projection information when converting to a PROJ string from another format. See:
  proj = self._crs.to_proj4(version=version)
/home/docs/checkouts/ UserWarning: Input being reprojected to EPSG:4326 CRS
  warnings.warn("Input being reprojected to EPSG:4326 CRS")

Now, it would be helpful to do the same exercise with job densiites. However, the US Census Bureau does not provide this information (“Worker Population”: “B08604_001E”) at the tract level like they do for population. This leaves us with two options which both require large downloads.

  1. We can download zip code worker populations.

  2. Or we can download LODES data which includes origin-destination information.

We’ll take a look at option 2 below. The LODES data is divided into three files: residential data, work data, and origin-destination data. There is also a cross-walk file that includes a translation from LODES GEOIDs to census tracts.

from dpd.modeling import TripDataFrame

od = TripDataFrame.from_lodes(us.states.lookup(state.value).abbr.lower(), YEAR)

'\nod = TripDataFrame.from_lodes(us.states.lookup(state.value).abbr.lower(), YEAR)\n\nod.head()'

We can then combine the LODES data with our original output DataFrame (which includes the geometry) to add a job_density column.

"""zones = Zones(zones).production_attraction_from_lodes(od)
h3_zones = h3fy(zones, resolution=9, buffer=True)

interpolated = area_interpolate(
    intensive_variables=["Total Population", "Worker Population", "ALAND"],
zones_interpolated = Zones(interpolated)
zones_interpolated["Total Population Density"] = (
    zones_interpolated["Total Population"] / zones_interpolated["ALAND"]
zones_interpolated["Worker Population Density"] = (
    zones_interpolated["Worker Population"] / zones_interpolated["ALAND"]
zones_interpolated["Total Population + Worker Population"] = (
    zones_interpolated["Total Population"] + zones_interpolated["Worker Population"]
zones_interpolated["Total Population + Worker Population Density"] = (
    zones_interpolated["Total Population + Worker Population"]
    / zones_interpolated["ALAND"]

'zones = Zones(zones).production_attraction_from_lodes(od)\nh3_zones = h3fy(zones, resolution=9, buffer=True)\n\ninterpolated = area_interpolate(\n    source_df=zones,\n    target_df=h3_zones,\n    intensive_variables=["Total Population", "Worker Population", "ALAND"],\n)\nzones_interpolated = Zones(interpolated)\nzones_interpolated["Total Population Density"] = (\n    zones_interpolated["Total Population"] / zones_interpolated["ALAND"]\n)\nzones_interpolated["Worker Population Density"] = (\n    zones_interpolated["Worker Population"] / zones_interpolated["ALAND"]\n)\nzones_interpolated["Total Population + Worker Population"] = (\n    zones_interpolated["Total Population"] + zones_interpolated["Worker Population"]\n)\nzones_interpolated["Total Population + Worker Population Density"] = (\n    zones_interpolated["Total Population + Worker Population"]\n    / zones_interpolated["ALAND"]\n)\n\nzones_interpolated.head(1)'

And we can plot the job density like we ploted the population density above.

Los Angeles County Metro is planning to extend the C Line south towards Torrance. One of the design decisions is where to put a station: at the South Bay Galleria or Redondo Beach Transit Center? Let’s look at the population density around these two locations. We can buffer the stop locations with a radius of 1000km and plot along with the density.

from folium import Map
from geopandas import GeoSeries
from shapely.geometry import Point

station_locations = GeoSeries(
        Point(-118.35884733230867, 33.86557221753289),
        Point(-118.35253437469025, 33.87283256915632),
    index=["South Bay Galleria", "Redondo Beach Transit Center"],

folium_map = Map(location=(33.87, -118.35), zoom_start=14)
    column="Total Population + Worker Population Density",
Make this Notebook Trusted to load map: File -> Trust Notebook
from dpd.modeling import contour_dataframe

folium_map = Map(location=(33.87, -118.35), zoom_start=14)
    column="Total Population + Worker Population Density",
for station_location in station_locations:
Make this Notebook Trusted to load map: File -> Trust Notebook
from dpd.modeling import DistanceDataFrame

distance_dataframe = DistanceDataFrame.from_origins_destinations(
distance_dataframe.columns = station_locations.index
South Bay Galleria Redondo Beach Transit Center
8829a0361dfffff 69363.409109 68374.524691
8829a155c5fffff 82542.833883 81526.637414
8829a1452dfffff 100263.005120 99244.302183
8829a11153fffff 53740.397727 53005.196677
8829a1d5edfffff 34757.881037 33717.646049
... ... ...
8829a114a9fffff 73572.135963 73154.349323
8829a1d9e7fffff 63224.048765 62199.279461
8829a1c19dfffff 51978.474660 50914.794962
8829a1445dfffff 91615.971337 90643.419420
8829a15683fffff 73646.957905 72685.234677

8708 rows × 2 columns

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(18, 16))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
(distance_dataframe / 1.35).hist(
    weights=zones_interpolated["Total Population + Worker Population"],
    range=(0, 900),
ax.set_ylabel("Population (cumulative)")
ax.set_xlabel("Time (seconds)")
/tmp/ipykernel_2518/ UserWarning: To output multiple subplots, the figure containing the passed axes is being cleared.
  (distance_dataframe / 1.35).hist(
Text(0.5, 0, 'Time (seconds)')

Now we download our public transportation systems so we can plot the lines. Here we can download the Los Angeles Metro Rail network from OpenStreetMap.

from import Network

query = """
  relation["network"="Metro Rail"];

out body;
out skel qt;

network = Network.from_osm_query(query)
100%|██████████| 14/14 [00:33<00:00,  2.36s/it]

And we can plot the network on the original population density map.

from lonboard import Map, ScatterplotLayer

layer = SolidPolygonLayer.from_geopandas(zones_interpolated, opacity=0.1)
jc = JenksCaspall(
    zones_interpolated["Total Population + Worker Population Density"], k=10
colors = []
for color in jc.yb:
layer.get_fill_color = numpy.uint8(colors)
layers = [layer]
for route in network.routes:
            network.routes[route].stops, radius_min_pixels=10

/home/docs/checkouts/ UserWarning: Input being reprojected to EPSG:4326 CRS
  warnings.warn("Input being reprojected to EPSG:4326 CRS")
import folium

folium_map = folium.Map(location=(34, -118.3), zoom_start=11)
    column="Total Population + Worker Population Density",
for route in network.routes:

Make this Notebook Trusted to load map: File -> Trust Notebook

Now let’s look at accessibility. We will download one metro line and compute the distance to each stop from each zone.

from astropy import units
from dpd.driving import Route

route = Route.from_osm_relation(relation=2351006)
from dpd.modeling import DistanceDataFrame, TripDataFrame

### Here is the "old way" of computing distances before we used hexogons
# points = zones.polygons_to_points()
# distance_dataframe = DistanceDataFrame.from_origins_destinations(
#     points.geometry, stops.geometry, method="distance"
# )

stops = route.stops.to_crs("EPSG:4087")
distance_dataframe = DistanceDataFrame.from_origins_destinations(
distance_dataframe.columns =
name Atlantic East LA Civic Center Maravilla Indiana Soto Mariachi Plaza Pico/Aliso Little Tokyo/Arts District Historic Broadway Grand Avenue Arts/Bunker Hill ... Expo/La Brea La Cienega/Jefferson Culver City Palms Westwood/Rancho Park Expo/Sepulveda Expo/Bundy 26th Street/Bergamot 17th Street/SMC Downtown Santa Monica
8829a0361dfffff 41131.500991 41940.894500 42684.123596 45159.477041 46877.641444 47801.404526 48506.801034 49759.066515 50577.379873 51054.046289 ... 63085.313984 64898.195636 66695.970648 68345.862850 70422.626139 71509.691708 73630.501069 75467.348216 76795.830869 78180.089356
8829a155c5fffff 58167.893928 58309.262504 58452.159913 58848.757829 58330.215180 58271.417962 58434.844462 58700.643582 58639.338887 58570.222754 ... 66361.520732 67129.848429 67933.340109 68702.366795 69265.654019 70007.186317 71560.237862 72967.735870 74167.676897 75722.831689
8829a1452dfffff 75368.983718 75562.910937 75751.300287 76285.513587 75866.014712 75848.050066 76035.636289 76339.734059 76303.304564 76247.368174 ... 84069.769780 84812.117662 85581.373094 86312.019448 86804.086922 87517.575189 89015.471176 90373.974971 91545.116912 93084.494271
8829a11153fffff 44499.908430 43980.620053 43516.624059 41880.952557 39873.834768 39026.117889 38604.473546 37830.401769 37061.974595 36575.588194 ... 36165.941289 35768.734421 35471.312185 35279.759032 34545.498451 34792.592383 35476.476015 36212.674226 37025.793994 38316.018904
8829a1d5edfffff 13921.077949 13532.096744 13216.352718 12290.914594 10983.684166 10633.433155 10647.196776 10748.506345 10649.916090 10594.644009 ... 20419.683924 21799.270054 23235.702972 24601.404011 26187.189708 27220.171176 29277.192760 31080.080715 32447.865930 33982.003322
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
8829a114a9fffff 72494.244661 71860.400865 71285.977394 69261.330428 67047.611094 66058.229126 65498.440482 64470.554283 63559.723916 62992.855458 ... 58294.717737 57126.862053 56010.882264 55020.801239 53227.420656 52879.300119 52371.763632 52054.615433 52114.330388 52664.374332
8829a1d9e7fffff 34166.981837 34930.694442 35634.523823 37969.349705 39484.324641 40334.560011 41011.757569 42211.150847 42967.170365 43404.501817 ... 55467.473693 57231.256556 58983.991039 60595.098941 62584.923936 63667.694547 65787.812686 67627.613249 68973.379403 70402.284586
8829a1c19dfffff 25088.247763 25325.394228 25568.092194 26390.680495 26369.073553 26585.043004 26933.931925 27554.144854 27792.948086 27915.234857 ... 38380.363459 39717.395394 41083.238436 42366.211828 43769.898464 44759.018615 46744.381305 48493.811010 49851.683302 51422.032868
8829a1445dfffff 69276.145790 69321.908312 69375.893461 69459.413585 68661.076727 68459.517409 68525.496170 68613.029096 68415.265711 68262.696538 ... 74642.664909 75148.459066 75692.144602 76223.231482 76427.380300 77039.443580 78355.923305 79569.404893 80658.116747 82147.112670
8829a15683fffff 52551.067050 52502.616387 52473.252668 52295.321295 51307.330716 51018.237800 51026.920172 51018.469645 50756.092388 50566.963542 ... 56587.629127 57082.700422 57629.594023 58175.120610 58419.916329 59052.904114 60415.554363 61674.268239 62792.535811 64301.853323

8708 rows × 29 columns

The Distance DataFrame includes the distance to each stop. However, most people will use the closest stop. In this case, the plots below will be over-counting people who are within 15 minutes of multiple stops. The following code removes the distance to all but the closest stop. However, due to the sampling method, some stops may not be the closest stop to anyone (simply because our sampling resolution is low).

from numpy import inf

for index, row in distance_dataframe.iterrows():
    row_min = row.min()
    distance_dataframe.loc[index] = (row == row_min).replace(True, row_min).replace(False, inf)

'\nfrom numpy import inf\n\nfor index, row in distance_dataframe.iterrows():\n    row_min = row.min()\n    distance_dataframe.loc[index] = (row == row_min).replace(True, row_min).replace(False, inf)\n\ndistance_dataframe.head()\n'

And here we can plot the number of people within 5, 10, and 15 minutes of each metro stop.

from pandas import DataFrame

times = [5, 10, 15]
data = []
for time in times:
    distance_to_time = lambda x: x / 1.35 < time * 60
    tdf = TripDataFrame(
        (distance_to_time(distance_dataframe) * 1).to_numpy()
        * zones_interpolated["Total Population + Worker Population"].to_numpy()[
            :, None

DataFrame(data=data, index=times, columns=distance_dataframe.columns).T.plot(kind="bar")
<Axes: xlabel='name'>

And here we can plot where people are within 15 minutes of a metro stop. This could be done much easier if we simply applied .buffer to each stop geometry.

And here we will plot the number of potential riders within 15 minutes of each stop.

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(18, 16))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
(distance_dataframe / 1.35).hist(
    weights=zones_interpolated["Total Population + Worker Population"],
    range=(0, 900),
ax.set_ylabel("Population (cumulative)")
ax.set_xlabel("Time (seconds)")
/tmp/ipykernel_2518/ UserWarning: To output multiple subplots, the figure containing the passed axes is being cleared.
  (distance_dataframe / 1.35).hist(
Text(0.5, 0, 'Time (seconds)')
from mapclassify import Quantiles

zones_interpolated["Accessibility w/in 15 minutes"] = tdf.T.sum()
layer = SolidPolygonLayer.from_geopandas(zones_interpolated, opacity=0.1)
jc = Quantiles(zones_interpolated["Accessibility w/in 15 minutes"], k=10)
colors = []
for color in jc.yb:
layer.get_fill_color = numpy.uint8(colors)
layers = [layer]

/home/docs/checkouts/ UserWarning: Input being reprojected to EPSG:4326 CRS
  warnings.warn("Input being reprojected to EPSG:4326 CRS")
/home/docs/checkouts/ UserWarning: Not enough unique values in array to form 10 classes. Setting k to 2.
  self.bins = quantile(y, k=k)

Last, here are the Voronoi Polygons for the network. These show which is the closest stop for each polygon.

from shapely import voronoi_polygons, MultiPoint

stops = {}
for route in network.routes:
    for index, stop in network.routes[route].stops.iterrows():
        stops[stop["name"]] = stop["geometry"]

v = voronoi_polygons(MultiPoint(list(stops.values())), extend_to=los_angeles_county)

folium_map = folium.Map(location=(34, -118.3), zoom_start=11)
vs = GeoSeries(v.geoms, crs="EPSG:4326")
for route in network.routes:
Make this Notebook Trusted to load map: File -> Trust Notebook
[ ]: